Marketing Campaign


Your favourite ingredients + Cadbury = Your very own Madbury!

The pandemic re-ignited the lost passion for cooking and experimentation.  Across social media, we witnessed consumers taking a dash at recreating some of the viral recipes like Dalgona coffee, Banana Bread, etc. 


Cadbury India sensed this wave of excitement and experimentation that had consumed people behind closed doors. They wanted to give them more room to experiment and what better way to do it than creating a new flavour of Cadbury. Cadbury gave their consumers the freedom to go all out with their creativity that would actually be launched and sold in shops throughout the country. This timely planned Madbury campaign saw over 800,000 entries from the length and breadth of the country that were an exquisite combination of regional, classic & international flavours and ingredients.


With the monstrous intake of entries, our team of storytellers was entrusted with a responsibility that we were in absolute awe of! From being the ones that write stories for brands, we now found ourselves listening/reading stories of passionate chocolate makers on what led them to create the said flavour. 


Our Job - To find the most relatable, heart-touching and relevant stories that complemented the unique and tasteful combinations of their own versions of Cadbury, a rigorous process of shortlisting the best of the lot that lasted over a month, finally resulted in the top ten entries, out of which the most preferred ones made it to the shelves.


P. S- We have been extremely ecstatic to be a part of this campaign year after year since 2020, while relishing a Cadbury on the side always!   

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